1. Sustainable Perennial Crops Laboratory; Plant Sciences Institute; USDA/ARS; Beltsville Agricultural Research Center-West; Beltsville MD 20705 USA
2. Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana; Akim New-Tafo Ghana
3. Cocoa Research Centre; the University of the West Indies; St Augustine Trinidad and Tobago
4. Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria; Ibadan Nigeria
5. Plant Pathology Department; University of Florida; Gainesville FL 32611-0680 USA
6. Regional Laboratory for Biological and Applied Microbiology; IRAD; B.P. 2067 Yaoundé Cameroon
7. CIRAD; UPR 106 Bioagresseurs; F-34398 Montpellier France
8. Department of Agriculture and Agroforestry; CATIE; Turrialba 7170 Costa Rica