The paleoredox context of early eukaryotic evolution: insights from the Tonian Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup, Canada


Maloney Katie M.12ORCID,Halverson Galen P.1,Lechte Maxwell1,Gibson Timothy M.3ORCID,Bui Thi Hao1,Schiffbauer James D.45ORCID,Laflamme Marc2


1. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences/GEOTOP McGill University Montréal Québec Canada

2. Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences University of Toronto Mississauga Mississauga Ontario Canada

3. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Yale University New Haven Connecticut USA

4. Department of Geological Sciences University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA

5. X‐ray Microanalysis Core University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA


AbstractTonian (ca. 1000–720 Ma) marine environments are hypothesised to have experienced major redox changes coinciding with the evolution and diversification of multicellular eukaryotes. In particular, the earliest Tonian stratigraphic record features the colonisation of benthic habitats by multicellular macroscopic algae, which would have been powerful ecosystem engineers that contributed to the oxygenation of the oceans and the reorganisation of biogeochemical cycles. However, the paleoredox context of this expansion of macroalgal habitats in Tonian nearshore marine environments remains uncertain due to limited well‐preserved fossils and stratigraphy. As such, the interdependent relationship between early complex life and ocean redox state is unclear. An assemblage of macrofossils including the chlorophyte macroalga Archaeochaeta guncho was recently discovered in the lower Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup in Yukon (Canada), which archives marine sedimentation from ca. 950–775 Ma, permitting investigation into environmental evolution coincident with eukaryotic ecosystem evolution and expansion. Here we present multi‐proxy geochemical data from the lower Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup to constrain the paleoredox environment within which these large benthic macroalgae thrived. Two transects show evidence for basin‐wide anoxic (ferruginous) oceanic conditions (i.e., high FeHR/FeT, low Fepy/FeHR), with muted redox‐sensitive trace metal enrichments and possible seasonal variability. However, the weathering of sulfide minerals in the studied samples may obscure geochemical signatures of euxinic conditions. These results suggest that macroalgae colonized shallow environments in an ocean that remained dominantly anoxic with limited evidence for oxygenation until ca. 850 Ma. Collectively, these geochemical results provide novel insights into the environmental conditions surrounding the evolution and expansion of benthic macroalgae and the eventual dominance of oxygenated oceanic conditions required for the later emergence of animals.


National Science Foundation

Agouron Institute

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada



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