1. School of Geographical and Earth Sciences University of Glasgow Glasgow UK
2. Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
3. Department of Materials University of Oxford Oxford UK
4. School of Physical Sciences The Open University Milton Keynes UK
5. Space Park Leicester, School of Physics and Astronomy University of Leicester Leicester UK
6. School of Geology, Geography, Environment University of Leicester Leicester UK
7. Planetary Materials Group Natural History Museum London UK
8. School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing Cranfield University Bedford UK
9. Oxford Instruments Nanoanalysis High Wycombe UK
10. Earth Sciences Durham University Durham UK
11. Camborne School of Mines University of Exeter Penryn UK
12. Department of Earth Science and Engineering Imperial College London London UK
13. School of the Environment, Geography and Geoscience University of Portsmouth Portsmouth UK
14. Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre University of Plymouth Plymouth UK
15. Geological Society of London London UK
16. School of Earth & Environmental Science and Characterization Facility University of Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota USA
17. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Manchester Manchester UK
18. School of Earth and Environment University of Leeds Leeds UK
19. School of Civil Engineering University of Leeds Leeds UK
20. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Strathclyde Glasgow UK
21. Space Science and Technology Centre, School of Earth and Planetary Science Curtin University Bentley Western Australia Australia
22. Carl Zeiss Microscopy Cambridge UK
23. Earth and Environmental Sciences Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität Munich Germany
24. Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Kent Canterbury UK
25. CNRS, INRAE, Centrale Lille, UMR 8207—UMET Unité Materiaux et Transformations University Lille Lille France
26. Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences University of Liverpool Liverpool UK
27. School of Engineering University of Liverpool Liverpool UK