How many Vesta‐like bodies existed in the asteroid belt?


Burbine T. H.12ORCID,Greenwood R. C.3ORCID,Zhang B.4ORCID,Buchanan P. C.5ORCID


1. Department of Astronomy Mount Holyoke College South Hadley Massachusetts USA

2. Planetary Science Institute Tucson Arizona USA

3. The Open University Milton Keynes UK

4. Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles California USA

5. Department of Geology Kilgore College Kilgore Texas USA


AbstractAsteroid 4 Vesta is typically thought to be the parent body of the HED (howardite, eucrite, and diogenite) meteorites due to spectral similarities. The discovery of asteroids far from Vesta with HED‐like spectra like (1459) Magnya and HED‐like meteorites (e.g., NWA 011) with anomalous oxygen isotopic values compared to typical HEDs is evidence that other Vesta‐like bodies formed. We broadly define a Vesta‐like body as a differentiated object with a crust composed primarily of low‐Ca pyroxene and plagioclase feldspar. We estimate the number of Vesta‐like bodies that did form by looking at the astronomical evidence; the oxygen isotopic, chemical, and petrologic evidence; and the iron meteorite evidence. Assuming that fragments of Vesta were scattered from Vesta by giant planet migration, we conservatively estimate that at least two Vesta‐like bodies (Vesta and the Magnya parent bodies) existed. From the oxygen isotopic, chemical, and petrologic evidence, we also conservatively estimate that seven Vesta‐like bodies formed. Analyses of iron meteorites indicate that there may be as many as 23 Vesta‐like bodies (Vesta, 10 magmatic iron groups, South Byron trio, Emsland/Mbosi duo, 10 ungrouped irons). This estimate from iron meteorites is most certainly an overestimation due to the existence of a number of non‐HED crustal/mantle fragments that potentially originated from bodies with magmatic iron cores. Using our three estimates as a guide, we predict that there were ~10 Vesta‐like bodies (including Vesta) that formed in the early solar system. Only Vesta remains intact with the others being disrupted early in solar system history.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration




Space and Planetary Science,Geophysics







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