1. 1 Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Berkeley: University of California Press 1944. This book may be referred to as PhF.
2. 1 The problem is t o replace the variable pob in d(pob) by the variable u, using the function k (pob), so that the resulting function, multiplied by, is identical with d (u).
3. It is in general possible to find a function k which achieves this transformation. For the discrete case, i. e., variables of discrete eigen-values, the corresponding transformation is in general impossible, so that for this case a causal interpolation is excluded even without the further considerations.
4. 1 See the author's Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre. Berlin 1928, 22.
5. 1 More precisely speaking: assume that no macrocosmic occurrences happen between to and t, and that the first indication of a measuring instrument happens att then the function (t -), where is a small time interval, represents a physical state for every 0. It is the transition from (t-) to ‘(t+) which constitutes the causal anomaly.