1. 3Cf. here my APA presidential address "Gaps in the Great Chain of Being: An Exercise in the Methodology of the History of Ideas ", Proceedings and Addresses of APA , vol. 49 (1975 ).
2. 4See e. g.Bennett Jonathan , Kant's Dialectic , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1974 , pp.228 -240 . Bennett even speaks in the title of his s72 of "the Kant-Frege view".
3. 5See my essay, "On the Logic of the Ontological Argument", inHintikka Jaakko , Models for Modalities, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1969. This essay promted a perceptive attempt to show that my criticism of the ontological argument is related to Kant's; see Hans Wagner, "Uber Kants Satz, das Dasein sei kein Pradikat", Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. 53, no. 2(1971), pp. 183-186.