Exploring the Impact of a Nontoxic Foliar Fungal Endophyte on Regrowth Post‐Defoliation in Tall Fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) Plants


Ueno Andrea C.12ORCID,Casas Cecilia34ORCID,Hourcastagne Martín3,Gundel Pedro E.1ORCID


1. Centro de Ecología Integrativa, Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas Universidad de Talca Talca Chile

2. Dirección de Investigación Vicerrectoría Académica Universidad de Talca Talca Chile

3. IFEVA, CONICET, Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina

4. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de Buenos Aires, Cátedra de Edafología Buenos Aires Argentina


ABSTRACTPlants employ various strategies to mitigate the impact of herbivory and one such strategy involves the associations with fungal endophytes. Some cool‐season forage grasses benefit from protection against herbivores by Epichloë fungal endophytes. However, since the maintenance of symbiosis relies on the plant, costs of hosting endophytes have been also observed. This becomes particularly crucial when forage varieties, inoculated with endophytes that are nontoxic to livestock but still protect host against insect herbivores, experience significant foliage loss (defoliation). We investigated the impact of a nontoxic Epichloë endophyte on the responses of tall fescue plants to defoliation across two morphotype varieties, Continental and Mediterranean, and different seasonal contexts. Under specific defoliation treatments, endophyte‐symbiotic plants showed reduced postdefoliation recovery, indicating the costs of hosting the endophyte for host plants. However, these conditions were not the most severe for plant growth. Regardless of the endophyte's presence, plants from Continental morphotype exhibited superior recovery than those from Mediterranean morphotype, an effect that was more pronounced in summer. Notably, the endophyte promoted plant growth after defoliation in winter for both morphotypes. Our study offers insights into mitigating endophyte‐associated costs on plant recovery postdefoliation by strategically managing cutting intensity and frequency, considering the seasonal variation.


Agencia Nacional de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación

Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico










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