1. D. A. CAMPBELL, 1951 : ‘Types of Soil Erosion Prevalent in New Zealand ’,Union Geodesique et Geophysique Internationale - Association Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique - Assemblee Generate de Bruxelles1951, 82 -95 .
2. H. S. GIBBS, J.D. RAESIDE, J. K. DIXON, and A. J. METSON, 1945 : ‘Soil Erosion in the High Country of the South Island ’, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bull. No. 92.
3. L. I. GRANGE, and H. S. GIBBS, 1947 : ‘Soil Erosion in New Zealand Part 1 - Southern Half of North Island ’, NZ Soil Bureau Bulletin, 1.