1. Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine; Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences; University of Otago; Wellington New Zealand
2. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada
3. Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia; Sydney Australia
4. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; University of Tennessee Health Sciences, Memphis - Department of Urology; University of Tennessee Health Sciences; Memphis TN USA
5. Department of Anatomical Pathology; School of Medical Sciences; State University of Campinas (Unicamp); Campinas Brazil
6. Department of Pathology; Centre de Pathologie Amiens; Amiens France
7. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; University Health Network; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada
8. Department of Cellular and Molecular Pathology; University of Dundee; Ninewells Hospital; Dundee
9. Department of Cellular Pathology; University Hospital of Wales; Cardiff UK
10. Department of Pathology; Champalimaud Clinical Center; Lisbon Portugal
11. Department of Pathology and Diagnostics; University of Verona, Verona - Department of Pathology; Pederzoli Hospital; Peschiera del Garda Italy
12. Department of Pathology; University Hospital Zurich; Zurich Switzerland
13. Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia; Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences; Wellington New Zealand
14. Department of Pathology; NYU Langone Medical Center; New York NY USA