1. Department of Dermatology; Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde; Health Sciences Faculty; University of Copenhagen; Denmark
2. Musculoskeletal Statistics Unit; The Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital; the Capital Region of Denmark; Copenhagen Denmark
3. Department of Dermatology; Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine; New Hyde Park NY U.S.A
4. Institute of Infection and Immunity; University Hospital of Wales; Heath Park Cardiff U.K
5. Patient Representative; The Patients' Association HS Denmark; Denmark
6. Department of Dermatology; New York Medical College; Valhalla NY U.S.A
7. Harvard Medical School; Boston MA U.S.A
8. Department of Dermatology and Department of Medicine; Division of Rheumatology
9. Dermatology Service; U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Centre; Denver CO U.S.A
10. Department of Dermatology; Erasmus MC; University Medical Center; Rotterdam the Netherlands
11. Former National Advisor to the Ministry of Health; Malaysia
12. Department of Dermatologic Surgery; St Josef Hospital; Ruhr-University; Bochum Germany
13. Siaal Research Center for Family Medicine and Primary Care; Faculty of Health Sciences; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Beer-Sheva Israel
14. Chief Physician's Office; Department of Quality Measurements and Research; Clalit Health Services; Tel-Aviv Israel
15. Department of Dermatology; Tufts Medical Center; Boston MA U.S.A
16. Department of Dermatology; Mayo Clinic; Rochester MN 5590 U.S.A
17. Department of Dermatology; Karolinska University Hospital; Stockholm Sweden
18. Department of Dermatology; Westmead Hospital; Sydney Medical School; The University of Sydney; Sydney Australia
19. Patient Representative; Morgantown WV U.S.A
20. Patient Representatives; The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Trust; Rochester U.K
21. Patient Representative; Tucson AZ U.S.A
22. Patient Representative; Hope for HS; Detroit MI U.S.A
23. Department of Research; Newlab Clinical Research; NL Canada
24. Patient Representative; Cardiff U.K
25. Patient Representative; Patients' Association: La Maladie de Verneuil en Belgique; Erbisoeul Belgium
26. Department of Dermatology; Penn State Hershey Medical Center; Hershey PA U.S.A
27. Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology; Wrocław Medical University; Wrocław Poland
28. Dalla Lana School of Public Health; University of Toronto; ON Canada
29. Patient Representative; Brick NJ U.S.A
30. Fort HealthCare; Fort Atkinson WI U.S.A
31. Division of Plastic Surgery; Brigham and Women's Hospital; Boston MA U.S.A
32. Patient Representative; Longmont CO U.S.A
33. Hope for HS; Detroit MI U.S.A
34. Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation, Inc.; Santa Monica CA U.S.A
35. Department of Dermatology; Henry Ford Hospital; Detroit MI U.S.A
36. Patient Representative; HS Aware; Toronto ON Canada
37. Division of Dermatology; Toronto Western Hospital; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada
38. Department of Dermatology; Hospital Sultanah Aminah; Johor Bahru Malaysia
39. Department of Dermatology; Havenziekenhuis, Rotterdam the Netherlands