In‐situ U‐Pb dating of calcite slickenfibre constraints on Cenozoic multiple‐phase faulting along the eastern segment of Chengkou Fault, Dabashan Fold‐and‐Thrust Belt


Tong Kui1234,Li Jinxi12,Li Zhiwu2,Uysal I. Tonguç4,Zhao Jianxin4,Feng Yuexing4,Hua Tian2,Liu Shugen25


1. College of Geophysics, Chengdu University of Technology Chengdu China

2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation Chengdu University of Technology Chengdu China

3. Post‐Doctoral Research Station of Geological Resource and Geological Engineering Chengdu University of Technology Chengdu China

4. Radiogenic Isotope Facility School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland Brisbane Queensland Australia

5. Xihua University Chengdu China


AbstractThe Dabashan Fold‐and‐Thrust Belt is an important natural laboratory for exploring the Meso‐Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic evolution in China. Due to the severe lack of post‐Early Cretaceous strata, little attention has been paid to Cenozoic tectonic in the Dabashan. This study presents structural analysis, in‐situ U‐Pb dating of calcite in conjunction with petrographic and stable isotopic analyses along the eastern segment of the Chengkou Fault in the Dabashan. Structural analysis coupled with U‐Pb dating of syn‐kinematic calcite slickenfibres suggests two discrete S‐N compressional strike‐slip deformation events associated with localized E‐W extension along the eastern segment of the Chengkou Fault have occurred at the Early Eocene (~57–50 Ma) and Late Oligocene‐Early Miocene (~23–17 Ma), respectively. We tentatively related the Cenozoic deformation events in the study area to the clockwise rotation of the Sichuan Basin, resulting from the combined far‐field stress effects between the India, Eurasia and western Pacific plates.


National Natural Science Foundation of China









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