Debt and Wrong-Way Resource Flows in Costa Rica


Annis Sheldon


External debt, poverty, and the use of natural resources are inextricably linked. This article examines an ethical aspect of that linkage: the social direction of resource flow. It argues that the direction in which a country's economic resources are transferred—from poor to rich, or rich to poor—also sets the pattern for the flow of natural resources. By extension, the same kinds of forces that tend to impoverish human environments also tend to impoverish the physical environment; and conversely, that which tends to restore or promote equity generally tends to be good for the environment. For the past forty years, Costa Rican government policies have been among the fairest and most environmentally progressive in the Third World; yet Costa Rica is heavily in debt in both the economic and environmental sense. Are the “right” policies not right–or are they morally right but not workable? Annis examines this paradoxical question using the notion of “dual debt” and “wrong-way resource flows.”


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,Philosophy

Reference31 articles.

1. Even an $18,000 loan—the average subloan originally contemplated by the Bank—is hardly a loan to a “small” farmer. In fact, $18,000 represents an amount greater than the maximum total assets ($13,000) which is generally used to define “small farmer” for statistical purposes.

2. Export Agriculture and the Crisis in Central America

3. Under the Brady Plan, Costa Rica may “buy back” up to 60 percent of its external debt at its secondary market value of about 16 cents on the dollar. The remaining 40 percent will retain its par value but can be rescheduled. To accomplish the buy back, a relatively modest $180 million has to be raised. Some of this can come from grants, possibly from the United States Economic Support Funds.

Cited by 14 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

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2. Globalization, Neoliberalism and Energy;Energy and the Wealth of Nations;2011-09-17

3. Integrating Concepts and Models from Development Econoimcs with Land use Change in the Tropics;Environment, Development and Sustainability;2006-02

4. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Structural Adjustment Policies in Costa Rica;Quantifying Sustainable Development;2000

5. Land, Energy, and Agricultural Production in Costa Rica;Quantifying Sustainable Development;2000







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