COBRAPed cohort: Do sensitization patterns differentiate children with severe asthma from those with a milder disease?


Lejeune Stéphanie12ORCID,Bouazza Naïm3,Nicaise Pascale Roland45,Jolaine Valérie3,Roditis Léa6,Marguet Christophe7,Amat Flore8ORCID,Berger Patrick9,Fayon Michael10,Dubus Jean‐Christophe11,Valois Sophie12,Reix Philippe1314,Pellan Mathieu15,Brouard Jacques1617,Chiron Raphael18,Giovannini‐Chami Lisa19,de Blic Jacques20,Deschildre Antoine12ORCID,Lezmi Guillaume20ORCID,


1. Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy Department, U1019—UMR 9017—CIIL—Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, Univ. Lille Lille France

2. Clinical Investigation Center, LIRIC UMR 995 Inserm, CIC‐1403‐Inserm‐CHU Univ. Lille Lille France

3. Unité de Recherche Clinique‐Centre Investigation Clinique APHP, Hôpital Necker‐Enfants malades Paris France

4. Immunology Department Hôpital Bichat, APHP Paris France

5. Inserm, PHERE Université Paris Cité Paris France

6. Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergology Unit CHU Toulouse Children Hospital Toulouse France

7. Pediatric Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, CF Reference Center, Rouen University Hospital‐Charles Nicolle EA3830‐GHRV, Rouen University Rouen France

8. Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergology, INSERM UMR 1018 Robert Debré Hospital, University of Paris Cité Paris France

9. Centre de Recherche Cardio‐Thoracique de Bordeaux, INSERM, U1045, Centre d'Investigation Clinique (CIC 1401) Univ. Bordeaux Bordeaux France

10. Unité de Pneumologie Pédiatrique, Centre d'Investigation Clinique (CIC 1401) CHU de Bordeaux Bordeaux France

11. Unité de Pneumopédiatrie CHU Timone‐Enfants Aix‐Marseille Université, IRD MEPHI, IHU Méditerranée‐Infection Marseille France

12. Pédiatrie, CHU Grenoble Alpes, INSERM, Institute for Advanced Biosciences Université Grenoble Alpes Grenoble France

13. Service de Pneumologie, Allergologie et Mucoviscidose Pédiatrique CHU de Lyon Lyon France

14. UMR 5558 (EMET), CNRS, LBBE Université de Lyon Villeurbanne France

15. Service de Pédiatrie CHU Jean Verdier Bondy France

16. Service de Pédiatrie Médicale CHU Caen Caen France

17. Groupe de Recherche sur l'Adaptation Microbienne (GRAM 2.0) Normandie Université Caen France

18. Pediatric Department Montpellier University Hospital Montpellier France

19. Pediatric Pulmonology Department Lenval University Hospital Nice France

20. Department of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy, AP‐HP, Hôpital Necker‐Enfants Malades Université Paris Cité Paris France


AbstractBackgroundIt is unclear whether sensitization patterns differentiate children with severe recurrent wheeze (SRW)/severe asthma (SA) from those with non‐severe recurrent wheeze (NSRW)/non‐severe asthma (NSA). Our objective was to determine whether sensitization patterns can discriminate between children from the French COBRAPed cohort with NSRW/NSA and those with SRW/SA.MethodsIgE to 112 components (c‐sIgE) (ImmunoCAP® ISAC) were analyzed in 125 preschools (3–6 years) and 170 school‐age children (7–12 years). Supervised analyses and clustering methods were applied to identify patterns of sensitization among children with positive c‐sIgE.ResultsWe observed c‐sIgE sensitization in 51% of preschool and 75% of school‐age children. Sensitization to house dust mite (HDM) components was more frequent among NSRW than SRW (53% vs. 24%, p < .01). Sensitization to non‐specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP) components was more frequent among SA than NSA (16% vs. 4%, p < .01) and associated with an FEV1/FVC < −1.64 z‐score. Among sensitized children, seven clusters with varying patterns were identified. The two broader clusters identified in each age group were characterized by “few sensitizations, mainly to HDM.” One cluster (n = 4) with “multiple sensitizations, mainly to grass pollen, HDM, PR‐10, and nsLTP” was associated with SA in school‐age children.ConclusionsAlthough children with wheeze/asthma display frequent occurrences and high levels of sensitization, sensitization patterns did not provide strong signals to discriminate children with severe disease from those with milder disease. These results suggest that the severity of wheeze/asthma may depend on both IgE‐ and non‐IgE‐mediated mechanisms.


Chiesi Foundation


Mundipharma Pharmaceuticals srl

GlaxoSmithKline foundation

Chancellerie des Universités de Paris









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