1. Department of Geology and Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 1301 West Green Street Urbana IL 61801 USA
2. Departments of Geography and Geographic Information Science and Mechanical Science and Engineering; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 1301 West Green Street Urbana IL 61801 USA
3. Lab. of Geoenvironments; Faculty of Information Science and Technology; Osaka Institute of Technology; Osaka 573-0196 Japan
4. Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics; University of Tsukuba; 1-1-1 Tennoudai Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan
5. Port and Airport Research Institute; Asia-Pacific Center for Coastal Disaster Research; 1-1, Nagase 3-Chome Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-0826 Japan