Management of sickle cell disease in pregnancy. A British Society for Haematology Guideline


Oteng‐Ntim Eugene12ORCID,Pavord Sue3ORCID,Howard Richard4,Robinson Susan1,Oakley Laura56,Mackillop Lucy3,Pancham Shivan7,Howard Jo89ORCID,


1. Department of Women’s Health Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation TrustLondonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. Department of Women’s Health King’s College LondonLondonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

3. Department of Haematology Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust OxfordUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

4. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals RomfordUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

5. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine LondonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

6. Centre for Fertility and Health Norwegian Institute of Public Health Oslo Norway

7. Department of Haematology Sandwell and West, Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

8. Department of Haematology Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation TrustLondon United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

9. Department of Haematology King’s College LondonLondon United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland





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4. Pregnancy outcome in patients with sickle cell disease in the UK - a national cohort study comparing sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) with HbSC disease

5. Adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with sickle cell disease: systematic review and meta-analysis







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