1. Laboratoire de Santé Animale USC EPIMAI, ANSES Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort Maisons‐Alfort France
2. Nancy Laboratory for Rabies and Wildlife ANSES Malzéville France
AbstractAimsLyssavirus rabies (RABV) is responsible for a major zoonotic infection that is almost always lethal once clinical signs appear. Rabies can be (re)introduced into rabies‐free areas through transboundary dog movements, thus compromising animal and human health. A number of measures have been implemented to prevent this happening, one of which is the waiting period (WP) after anti‐rabies vaccination and serological testing. This WP ensures that antibodies assessed through the serological test are due to the vaccine, not to infection. Indeed, if antibodies are due to RABV infection, the dog should display clinical signs within this WP and would not therefore be imported.Methods and ResultsWithin a framework of quantitative risk assessment, we used modelling approaches to evaluate the impact of this WP and its duration on the risk of introducing rabies via the importation of dogs into the European Union. Two types of models were used, a classical stochastic scenario tree model and an individual‐based model, both parameterised using scientific literature or data specifically applicable to the EU. Results showed that, assuming perfect compliance, the current 3‐month waiting period was associated with a median annual number of 0.04 infected dogs imported into the EU. When the WP was reduced, the risk increased. For example, for a 1‐month WP, the median annual number of infected dogs imported was 0.17 or 0.15 depending on the model, which corresponds to a four‐fold increase.ConclusionThis in silico study, particularly suitable for evaluating rare events such as rabies infections in rabies‐free areas, provided results that can directly inform policymakers in order to adapt regulations linked to rabies and animal movements.