1. Department of Evolutionary Ecology; Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC); Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n 41092 Seville Spain
2. Island Conservation; 2100 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1 Santa Cruz CA 95060 U.S.A.
3. Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, DST-NRF Centre of Excellence; University of Cape Town; Rondebosch 7701 South Africa
4. West Coast Penguin Trust; P.O. Box 70 Charleston 7865 West Coast New Zealand
5. Ornithological Society of French Polynesia; P.O. Box 7023 98719 Taravao Tahiti
6. Ringed Storm-Petrel Project; Joaquín Sorolla 157, Lima 41 Peru
7. Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project; P.O. Box 81, Hanapepe 96741 Kauai HI U.S.A.
8. Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project; 4234 Hana Highway Haiku 96708-5404 HI U.S.A.
9. Department of Oceanography & Fisheries (DOP), University of the Azores; MARE (Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre), IMAR (Institute of Marine Research); Rua Prof. Dr Frederico Machado 4 PT-9901-862 Horta Azores Portugal
10. Canary Islands’ Ornithology and Natural History Group (GOHNIC); La Malecita s/n, 38480 Buenavista del Norte Tenerife Canary Islands Spain
11. Research Department; Phillip Island Nature Parks; P.O. Box 97, Cowes Phillip Island Victoria 3922 Australia
12. Save Our Shearwaters; P.O. Box 3330 Lihue 96766 Kauai HI U.S.A.
13. BirdLife Malta, Flat 2; Xemxija Waterfront Apartments; Triq Is-Simar Xemxija SPB9025 Malta
14. Environmental Science Research Laboratory; Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry; 1646, Abiko Abiko-shi Chiba 270-1194 Japan
15. The Hutton's Shearwater Charitable Trust; P.O. Box 58 Kaikōura 7340 New Zealand
16. BirdsCaribbean; 4201 Wilson Blvd 110-174 Arlington VA 22203 U.S.A.
17. Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge; P.O. Box 1918 Kailua HI 96734 U.S.A.
18. Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds; Travessa das Torres 2A, 1° andar, 9060-314 Funchal Madeira Portugal
19. Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar; Secretaria Regional do Mar; Ciência e Tecnologia; Governo Regional dos Açores; Colónia Alemã - Apartado 9; 9900-014 Horta Azores Portugal
20. Ringed Storm-Petrel Project, Veterinary Science School; Ricardo Palma University; Av. Benavides 5440, Lima 33 Perú
21. Centro Regional de Estudios y Educación Ambiental; Universidad de Antofagasta (CREA-UA); 602 Angamos Av. Antofagasta Chile
22. Société d’Études Ornithologiques de la Réunion; 13, ruelle des Orchidées 97440 Saint André La Réunion France
23. UMR ENTROPIE; Université de la Réunion 15; avenue René Cassin - CS 92003 97744 Saint Denis Cédex 9 La Réunion France