1. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd; P.O. Box 11115 Hamilton 3251 New Zealand
2. Institute of Marine Science; University of Auckland; Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142 New Zealand
3. MTA Centre for Ecological Research; Alkotmány út 2-4, Vácrátót 2163 Hungary
4. Institute for Landscape and Vegetation Plant Ecology, Landscape Ecology and Vegetation Science; University of Hohenheim; August-von-Hartmann-Strasse 3 D-70599 Stuttgart Germany
5. Department of Engineering and Public Policy; Carnegie Mellon University; 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15213 U.S.A.
6. Department of Geography; University of Cambridge; Downing Place Cambridge CB2 3EN United Kingdom
7. Association “Lijepa Naša”; Heinzelova 6/II 10 000 Zagreb Croatia
8. Center for Biodiversity and Conservation; American Museum of Natural History; Central Park West @ 79th Street New York NY 10024 U.S.A.
9. Mid Sweden University; Department of Natural Sciences; SE-85170 Sundsvall Sweden