Updated distribution of spotted hyaenas in Gabon reveals resident populations


Orbell Christopher123ORCID,Abernethy Katharine A.23ORCID,Akomo‐Okoue Etienne François3,Bourgeois Stéphanie4,Bunnefeld Nils2,Dloniak Stephanie M.5,Ebang‐Mbele Alex6,Nguema Andy Gilda Ebe4,Ebouta Fabrice7,Fonteyn Davy89ORCID,Kakoua Jean‐Louis4,Maganga Pierre‐Brice10,Kouima Guy‐Landry Mamboundou11,Mangama Koumba Lilian Brice3,Tsongue Wilfried Mbombe7,Nguelet Fred Loique Mindonga3,Momboua Brice Roxan4,Ntie Stephan411ORCID,Ibouanga Ange Nzamba4,Nzamba Brave Sévère10,Koumba Christophe Roland Zinga34,Rembeyo Christian4,Robinson Hugh S.1,Scalbert Morgane12,White Lee J. T.23,Whytock Robin C.213,Henschel Philipp13


1. Panthera New York New York USA

2. Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Stirling Stirling UK

3. Institut de Recherche en Ecologie Tropicale, CENAREST Libreville Gabon

4. Agence Nationale Des Parcs Nationaux Libreville Gabon

5. Department of Integrative Biology Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan USA

6. Nsombou Abalghe‐Dzal Association (NADA) Makokou Gabon

7. Wildlife Conservation Society Libreville Gabon

8. CIRAD, UPR Forêts et Sociétés Montpellier France

9. CIRAD, Forêts et Sociétés Université de Montpellier Montpellier France

10. World Wildlife Fund Gabon Country Program Office Libreville Gabon

11. Département de Biologie Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku Franceville Gabon

12. Forest is life, TERRA Teaching and Research Centre University of Liège – Gembloux Agro‐Bio Tech Gembloux Belgium

13. Okala Limited London UK


AbstractSpotted hyaena distribution currently widely encompasses sub‐Saharan Africa, apart from the Congo Basin. Formerly described as residents of Gabon but considered extinct, vagrant individuals have been recorded since 2003, but no systematic species presence assessment has been made. Based on records of killed individuals, tracks and camera‐trap sightings, we show that not only vagrant individuals are roaming in Gabon, but a small resident population occurs in the North‐East of the country. The records collated here formed the basis for spotted hyaenas to be listed as protected in Gabon, were included in the IUCN Red List species' range map update and showcased the importance of large‐scale by‐catch data analysis in updating species distributions.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Global Environment Facility

Agence Française de Développement

Fonds De La Recherche Scientifique - FNRS



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