Evolutionary history of the extinct wolf population from France in the context of global phylogeographic changes throughout the Holocene


Doan Karolina1ORCID,Schnitzler Annik2,Preston Francesca3,Griggo Christophe4,Lang Gérard5,Belhaoues Fabien67,Blaise Emilie67,Crégut‐Bonnoure Evelyne8,Frère Stéphane9,Foucras Sylvain10,Gardeisen Armelle67,Laurent Alain11,Müller Werner12,Picavet Regis13,Puissant Stéphane14,Yvinec Jean‐Hervé15,Pilot Małgorzata1316ORCID


1. Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw Poland

2. UMR 7194 HNHP CNRS/MNHN/UPVD, Equipe NOMADE, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Paris France

3. School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln Lincoln UK

4. Université Grenoble Alpes, Laboratoire EDYTEM, URM 5204 Bâtiment "Pôle Montagne", 5 bd de la mer Caspienne France

5. Espace Chasse et Nature Chemin de Strasbourg France

6. ASM ‐ Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes, UMR 5140 Université Paul‐Valéry, CNRS, MCC Montpellier France

7. Labex ARCHIMEDE programme IA‐ANR‐11‐LABX‐0032‐01 Montpellier France

8. Muséum Requien, Avignon; Laboratoire TRACES‐UMR 5608 Université Toulouse‐Jean Jaurès Toulouse France

9. Inrap, UMR 7209 AASPE, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle La Courneuve France

10. Archeodunum SAS ‐ Chaponnay, UMR 5138‐Arar Lyon France

11. Observatoire des Carnivores sauvages France

12. Laboratoire d'archéozoologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Avenue de Bellevaux 51 Neuchâtel Switzerland

13. Concourdan F‐38250 Villard de Pans France

14. Muséum d'Histoire naturelle ‐ Jardin de l'Arquebuse CS 73310 F‐21033 Dijon Cedex France

15. INRAP, UMR 7209 AASPE, Laboratoire d'archéozoologie de Compiègne, CRAVO Compiègne France

16. Faculty of Biology University of Gdańsk Gdańsk Poland


AbstractPhylogeographic patterns in large mammals result from natural environmental factors and anthropogenic effects, which in some cases include domestication. The grey wolf was once widely distributed across the Holarctic, but experienced phylogeographic shifts and demographic declines during the Holocene. In the 19th–20th centuries, the species became extirpated from large parts of Europe due to direct extermination and habitat loss. We reconstructed the evolutionary history of the extinct Western European wolves based on the mitogenomic composition of 78 samples from France (Neolithic‐20th century) in the context of other populations of wolves and dogs worldwide. We found a close genetic similarity of French wolves from ancient, medieval and recent populations, which suggests the long‐term continuity of maternal lineages. MtDNA haplotypes of the French wolves showed large diversity and fell into two main haplogroups of modern Holarctic wolves. Our worldwide phylogeographic analysis indicated that haplogroup W1, which includes wolves from Eurasia and North America, originated in Northern Siberia. Haplogroup W2, which includes only European wolves, originated in Europe ~35 kya and its frequency was reduced during the Holocene due to an expansion of haplogroup W1 from the east. Moreover, we found that dog haplogroup D, currently restricted to Europe and the Middle East, was nested within the wolf haplogroup W2. This suggests European origin of haplogroup D, probably as a result of an ancient introgression from European wolves. Our results highlight the dynamic evolutionary history of European wolves during the Holocene, with a partial lineage replacement and introgressive hybridization with local dog populations.


Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange




Genetics,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference104 articles.

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