1. Kasetsart University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Hua Hin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kasetsart University Phrachuap Khiri Khan Thailand
A 14‐year‐old male poodle weighing 7.5 kg presented due to complications after preputial urethrostomy for management of preprostatic urethral rupture. Revision surgery was performed with preputial tube‐flap urethroplasty via preputiotomy. A longitudinal flap was raised from the prepuce and anastomosed to the end of the previously cut urethra to create a neourethra and reduce tension at the urethrostomy site. Follow‐up retrograde positive contrast urethrography performed 10 days and 6 months postoperatively showed no contrast leakage from either the neourethra tube flap or new preputial urethrostomy. A follow‐up email questionnaire, based on the American Urological Association Symptom Index, was completed by the owner 6 months after surgery. The dog had excellent symptom scores, and urinated from the prepuce without difficulty in a manner resembling physiological urination.