Exploring home births in Catalonia (Spain): A cross‐sectional study of women's experiences and influencing factors


Alcaraz‐Vidal Lucia123ORCID,Leon‐Larios Fatima4ORCID,Robleda Gemma56ORCID,Vila‐ Candel Rafael78ORCID


1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol Badalona Spain

2. Research Group on Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (GRASSIR) (2021‐SGR‐01489) Barcelona Spain

3. Catalan Association of Home Birth Midwives Barcelona Spain

4. Nursing Department. Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry University of Seville Sevilla Spain

5. Campus Docent Fundació Privada Sant Joan de Déu, School of Nursing University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain

6. Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano Barcelona Spain

7. Faculty of Health Sciences International University of Valencia –VIU Valencia Spain

8. Department of Primary Health Foundation for Promoting of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Region (FISABIO‐SP) Valencia Spain


AbstractAimThe study explores the experiences of women with low‐risk pregnancies and no complications who planned a home birth.DesignA cross‐sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire.MethodsThe questionnaire included socio‐demographic, obstetric and perinatal variables. Birth satisfaction was evaluated via the Spanish version of the childbirth experience questionnaire. The study group comprised home‐birthing women in Catalonia, Spain. Data were collected from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS.ResultsA total of 236 women responded. They reported generally positive experiences, with professional support and involvement being the most highly rated dimensions. Better childbirth experiences were associated with labour lasting less than 12 h, no perineal injuries, no intrapartum transfers to hospital, euthocic delivery and the presence of a midwife.ConclusionsWomen's positive home birth experiences were linked to active participation and midwife support. Multiparous women felt safer. Medical interventions, especially transfers to hospitals, reduced satisfaction, highlighting the need for improved care during home births.Implications for the Profession and Patient CareHome births should be included among the birthplace options offered by public health services, given the extremely positive feedback reported by women who gave birth at home.ImpactHome birth is not an option offered under Catalonia's public health system only as a private service. The experience of home‐birthing women is unknown. This study shows a very positive birth experience due to greater participation and midwife support. The results help stakeholders assess home birth's public health inclusion and understand valued factors, supporting home‐birthing women.Reporting MethodThe study followed the STROBE checklist guidelines for cross‐sectional studies.Public ContributionWomen who planned a home birth participated in the pilot test to validate the instrument, and their contributions were collected by the lead researcher. The questionnaire gathered the participants' email addresses, and a commitment was made to disseminate the study's results through this means.


Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana




General Nursing

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