1. Hayward R Alker . (1986 ) Dialectical Thinking about World Order. Part I: Ten World Hypotheses That Have Made My Days. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Anaheim, CA, March.
2. Hayward R. Alker, and Thomas J. Biersteker . (1984 ) The Dialectics of World Order : Notes for a Future Archeologist of InternationalThe Dialectics of World Order, 28 : 121 -142 .
3. Hayward R. Alker, Tahir Amin, Thomas Biersteker, and Takashi Inoguchi . (1998 ) How Should We Theorize Contemporary Macro-Encounters: In Terms of Superstates, World Orders, or Civilizations? Paper presented at the Third Pan-European International Relations Conference, SGIR-ISA, Vienna, Austria, September 16-19.