1. Diplostomiasis in the sand smelt, Atherina presbyter (Cuvier), population at Fawley Power Station
2. R. S. K. Barnes (1971 ). Contributions towards a fauna list for Southampton Water, Part 1: Species recorded from the intertidal mud flats. CERL Internal Note RD/L/N 183/71, 23 pp.
3. J. A. B. Bass, W. R. C. Beaumont, M. Ladle, and R. H. K. Mann (1984 ).Investigation of the Fleet, Weymouth, as a potential spawning site and nursery area for the bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) . Freshwater Biological Association River Laboratory, unpublished report commissioned by Dorset County Council. 19 pp.
4. Enzymatic survey of four populations of Atherina boyeri based on electrophoresis and the occurrence of a microsporidiosis