1. Anon . (1982 ). Report on the sea and inland fisheries of Northern Ireland 1982.H.M.S.O.26 pp.
2. Anon . (1982 ). Annual report on research and technical work 1982 . Northern Ireland: Department of Agriculture. 161 -164 .
3. Anon . (1984 ). Report of the Nephrops Working Group. ICES CM 1984IK: 4 . (mimeo).
4. R. P. Briggs (1983 ). The discarded by-catch of the Northern IrelandNephropsfishery. ICES CM 1983/K: 23 . (mimeo).
5. R. P. Briggs (1984 ). A review ofNephropsmesh selection. ICES CM 1984/K: 39 . (mimeo).