1. M. W. Aprahamian (1981 ). Aspects of the biology of the twaite shad(Alosa fallax)in the rivers Severn and Wye .Proceedings of the Second British Freshwater Fisheries Conference, 111 -119 .
2. J. Bracken, and M. Kennedy (1967 ). Notes on some Irish estuarine and inshore fishes .Irish Fisheries Investigations SeriesBNo. 3, 4 -8 .
3. F. B. Ellison (1935 ). Shad.Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, 135 -139 .
4. P. S. Maitland (1979 ). The status and conservation of rare freshwater fishes in the British Isles .Proceedings of the First British Freshwater Fisheries Conference, 237 -248 .