1. A. P. Andriyashev (1964 ). Fishes of the northern seas of the USSR . Fauna SSSRNo. 53, 566 pp.
2. O. Bagge (1964 ). Some observations on the biology of the lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus ). ICES CM 1964, Baltic/Belt Seas CommitteeNo. 150, 7 pp.
3. J. Couch (1863 ). A History of the Fishes of the British Islands , Vol. 2 , pp. 183 -189 . London: Groombridge & Sons.
4. F. Day (1880 ). The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland , Vol. 1 , 336 pp. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate.
5. C. Garrod, and D. Harding (1981 ). Predation by fish on the pelagic eggs and larvae of fishes spawning in the west central North Sea . ICES CM 1981/L: 11, 6 pp (mimeo).