1. School of Biological Sciences; The University of Queensland; St Lucia 4072 Queensland Australia
2. School of Zoology; University of Tasmania; Private Bag 5 Hobart Tasmania 7001 Australia
3. Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods; Charles Darwin University; Darwin NT 0909 Australia
4. Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) & Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; Senckenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt Germany
5. School of Environment; Griffith University; Nathan Campus 170 Kessels Rd Nathan Qld 4111 Australia
6. Centre for Climate Change and Tropical Biology; School of Marine and Tropical Biology; James Cook University; Townsville Qld 4811 Australia
7. Ecosystem Sciences; CSIRO; PMB PO Aitkenvale Qld 4814 Australia
8. Northern Territory Department of Land Resource Management; PO Box 496 Palmerston NT 0831 Australia
9. Australian Wildlife Conservancy; PO Box 8070 Subiaco East WA 6008 Australia
10. National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub; Charles Darwin University; Casuarina NT 0909 Australia
11. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences; University of New South Wales; Randwick NSW 2052 Australia
12. TropWATER; James Cook University; Townsville Qld 4811 Australia
13. James Hutton Institute; Invergowrie; Dundee DD2 5DA Scotland UK
14. School of Marine and Tropical Biology; James Cook University; Townsville Qld 4811 Australia