1. ANON. (1978 ). Results of Agriculture Service experiments, 26. Grassland, Fodder Conservation and Forage Crops . MAFF Publication, London, pp.24 -26 .
2. ANON. (1979 ).Results of Agriculture Service experiments, 27.Grassland, Fodder Conservation and Forage Crops .MAFF Publication, London.
3. ANON. (1979 ). Sward deterioration and renovation .School of Agriculture, Aberdeen, Research Investigations and Field Trials1978-79, pp.58 -62 .
4. ANON. (1980 ).Results of Agricultural Service experiments, 28.Grassland, Fodder Conservation and Forage Crops .MAFF Publication, London.
5. ANON. (1980 ). Sward deterioration and renovation .School of Agriculture, Aberdeen, Research Investigations and Field Trials, 1979-80, pp.66 -67 .