1. R. J. Baker, and J. A. Nelder (1978 ). The GLIM Manual-Release, 3 Numerical Algorithms Group. Oxford.
2. R. O. Clements (1979 ). Factors affecting the incidence of stem-boring Diptera in agricultural grassland and their effect on herbage yield . Ph.D. Thesis , University of Reading.
3. VII. On a remarkable new nematode,
Tylenchinema oscinellæ gen, et sp. n.
, parasitic in the frit-fly,
Oscinella frit L
., attacking oats
4. Grass growth in different parts of England in relation to invertebrate numbers and pesticide treatment
5. J. Howell (1981 ). The biology and host relations of dipterous stem-borers of ryegrass . Ph.D. Thesis , University of Wales, Aberystwyth.