1. D. J. Avery(1962 ). The vegetative growth of young plants of Brompton plum infested with fruit tree red spider mites . Rep. E. Mailing Res. Stn for 1961, p.77 .
2. The aetiology and development of damage in young fruit trees infested with fruit tree red spider mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch)
3. J. B. Briggs, and D. J. Avery(1968 ). Growth and fruit drop of young fruit trees sprayed with the acaricides demeton-methyl or tetradifon . Rep. E. Mailing Res. Stnfor 1967, p.173 .
4. Responses of Apple Trees to Mite Infestations: I1
5. H. J. Gould(1965 ). The effects ofMetatetranychus ulmi(Koch) on apple trees (variety Cox) . Proc. XII int. Congr. Ent.p.617 .