1. Anon. (1972 ). The effect of benomyl on the incidence of clubroot .Research Investigations and Field Trials1970-71,North of Scotland College of Agriculture, pp.197 -199 .
2. Anon. (1973 ). Cauliflower, winter-control of clubroot by fungicidal dips .States of Jersey Department of Agriculture, Report on Advisory Services and Howard Davis Farm, 1973, p.20 .
3. Glasshouse evaluation of some systemic fungicides for control of clubroot of brassicae
4. S. T. Buczacki(1973 ). An appraisal of systemic fungicides for the control of clubroot of brassicae . Proceedings of the 7th British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference, pp.573 -580 .
5. Glasshouse evaluation of systemic compounds, derivatives of dithiocarbamic acid and other fungicides for the control of clubroot