1. Iron oxyhydroxides in soils developed from Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks in mid‐Wales and implications for some pedogenetic processes
2. ANON (1973 ). Fertiliser recommendations: agricultural and horticultural crops . Bulletin No. 209, London, HMSO, 102 pp.
3. ANON (1982 ). Phosphate and potash for grassland . Grassland practice No. 4. Booklet 2044. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Alnwick, Northumberland. 9 pp.
4. G. W. COOKE (1975 ). Fertilizing for maximum yield (Ed. 2 ). Crosby Lockwood Staples (Granada), London, 297 pp.
5. Uptake of32P labelled phosphate by clover and ryegrass growing in mixed swards with different nitrogen treatments