1. R. S. Bagnall(1908 ) Notes on Some Genera and Species of Thysanoptera new to the British Fauna . Ent. Mon. Mag, 2nd 8., xix, p.4 .
2. R. S. Bagnall(1914 ) A Chalcid Parasite of Thrips .Kept, Brit. Assn. Adv. Sci., 1913, London 1914, p.531 .
3. Boardof Agricultureof England(1898 , revised, 1898 ). Pea and Bean Thrips, or Black FlyThrips pisivoraLeaflet 48.
4. P. Buffa(1907 )Trentuna Specie di Tisanotteri italiani., Pisa, p.60 .
5. W. E. Collinge(1906 )Report on Injurious Insects, 1906 , p.12 .