1. R. O. CLEMENTS (1979 ).Factors affecting the incidence of stem-boring Diptera in agricultural grassland and their effect on herbage yield. actors affecting the incidence of stem-boring Diptera in agricultural grassland and their effect on herbage yield Thesis , Ph.D.
2. J. R. DOWSETT, P. J. JEFFREY, and A. J. GILCHRIST (1979 ). Control of cereal insect pests by chlorpyrifos .Proceedings 10th British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference, pp.45 -51 .
3. N. R. DRAPER, and H. SMITH (1981 ). Applied Regression Analysis, 2nd edition . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. 709 pp.
4. The estimation of parameters by least squares from unbalanced experiments
5. The relationship between populations of stem-boring Dipterous larvae in leys and damage to subsequent winter wheat crops