1. Brief Report. Kwashiorkor and HIV: new questions
2. R.M. Bland, N.C. Rollins, M.L. Newell, A. Couksoudis, and H.H. Coovadia (2006 ) Infant feeding counselling for HIV-infected women: appropriateness of choice and practice . In: Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment (PHPT) - IRD Program and Abstracts of the XVI International AIDS Conference; August 13-18 2006; Toronto, Canada, Abstract TUPE0344.
3. R.M. Bland, N.C. Rollins, M.L. Newell, A. Couksoudis, and H.H. Coovadia (2006 ) WHO and UNICEF infant feeding policy for HIV-positive women - how feasible is it? In: Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment (PHPT) - IRD Program and Abstracts of the XVI International AIDS Conference; August 13-18 2006; Toronto, Canada, Abstract TUPE0342.
4. Growth in early childhood in a cohort of children born to HIV-1-infected women from Durban, South Africa
5. Safety and efficacy of zinc supplementation for children with HIV-1 infection in South Africa: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial