1. Department of Plant Pathology, Varamin‐Pishva Branch Islamic Azad University Varamin Iran
2. Plant Protection Research Department Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO Isfahan Iran
3. Soil and Water Research Department Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO Isfahan Iran
4. Horticulture Crops Research Department Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO Bandar Abbas Iran
5. USDA‐APHIS‐PPQ Palmetto Florida USA
AbstractPink root disease (PRD) caused by Setophoma terrestris is a major disease in onion‐producing regions. The fungus primarily infects onion, but occasionally causes disease on other plant species such as cereals, corn, cucurbits, pepper, spinach, and soybean. In this study, we analysed the efficacy of three commercially available fungicides at low dose in two successive years (2020–2021) in the field. These included Priaxor Xemium Brand (fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin) at 1.0 or 1.5 L/ha, Lamardor 400 FS (propiconazole + tebuconazole) at 2.5 kg/ha, and Rovral TS (iprodione) at 5.0 kg/ha applied via soil surface irrigation, and also Priaxor as foliar application (1.0 L/ha) against PRD on three onion cultivars: white, red, and yellow. All fungicides were applied thrice within 3‐week intervals from the onset of PRD (mid‐February), and fungicidal efficacy was determined 2 weeks prior to harvest (mid‐May). The lowest PRD severity was recorded for Priaxor 1.5 L/ha at 9.5%, followed by Lamardo at 10.1%, and the remaining treatments compared with the untreated control at 47.7% severity. The highest production (per 100 bulbs) was recorded for Priaxor 1.5 L/ha with 7.36 kg, followed by Lamardo with 6.86 kg and the remaining treatments compared with untreated at 4.33 kg. When treatment effects on soil enzymes were examined prior to harvest, there was no substantial change in urease activity, whereas soil application of Priaxor increased alkaline phosphatase activity by 50% and decreased acidic phosphatase by 42% compared with the untreated control. Our data indicated that fungicides have subtle differences in efficacy profiles, which may translate to improved management against PRD.