International consensus on (ICON) pediatric asthma


Papadopoulos N. G.1,Arakawa H.2,Carlsen K.-H.3,Custovic A.4,Gern J.5,Lemanske R.6,Le Souef P.7,Mäkelä M.8,Roberts G.9,Wong G.10,Zar H.11,Akdis C. A.12,Bacharier L. B.13,Baraldi E.14,van Bever H. P.15,de Blic J.16,Boner A.17,Burks W.18,Casale T. B.19,Castro-Rodriguez J. A.20,Chen Y. Z.21,El-Gamal Y. M.22,Everard M. L.23,Frischer T.24,Geller M.25,Gereda J.26,Goh D. Y.27,Guilbert T. W.28,Hedlin G.29,Heymann P. W.30,Hong S. J.31,Hossny E. M.32,Huang J. L.33,Jackson D. J.34,de Jongste J. C.35,Kalayci O.36,Aït-Khaled N.37,Kling S.38,Kuna P.39,Lau S.40,Ledford D. K.41,Lee S. I.42,Liu A. H.43,Lockey R. F.41,Lødrup-Carlsen K.44,Lötvall J.45,Morikawa A.46,Nieto A.47,Paramesh H.48,Pawankar R.49,Pohunek P.50,Pongracic J.51,Price D.52,Robertson C.53,Rosario N.54,Rossenwasser L. J.55,Sly P. D.56,Stein R.57,Stick S.58,Szefler S.59,Taussig L. M.60,Valovirta E.61,Vichyanond P.62,Wallace D.63,Weinberg E.64,Wennergren G.65,Wildhaber J.66,Zeiger R. S.67


1. Department of Allergy; 2nd Pediatric Clinic; University of Athens; Athens; Greece

2. Department of Pediatrics; Graduate School of Medicine; Gunma University; Gunma; Japan

3. Department of Pediatrics; Oslo University Hospital; Oslo; Norway

4. Respiratory Research Group; University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust; Manchester; UK

5. Department of Pediatrics; University of Wisconsin Medical School; Madison; WI; USA

6. Division of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology; University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Madison; WI; USA

7. School of Pediatrics and Child Health; University of Western Australia; Princess Margaret Hospital; Perth; WA; Australia

8. Pediatric Unit; Helsinki University Central Hospital; Helsinki; Finland

9. Academic Unit of Human Development and Health; Southampton University Hospital NHS Trust; Southampton; UK

10. Department of Pediatrics; Chinese University of Hong Kong; Sha Tin; Hong Kong, SAR, China

11. Department of Pediatrics and Child Health; Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital; University of Cape Town; Cape Town; South Africa

12. Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF); Davos; Switzerland

13. Division of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonary Medicine; Department of Pediatrics; Washington University School of Medicine and St Louis Children's Hospital; St Louis; MO; USA

14. Department of Pediatrics; Unit of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine; University of Padova; Padova; Italy

15. Department of Paediatrics; Children's Medical Institute; National University Hospital; National University Health System; Singapore; Singapore

16. Université Paris Descartes; Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris; Service de Pneumologie et Allergologie Pédiatriques; Paris; France

17. Department of Paediatrics; University of Verona; Verona; Italy

18. Division of Allergy and Immunology; Department of Pediatrics; Duke University Medical Center; Durham; NC; USA

19. Division of Allergy and Immunology; Department of Medicine; Creighton University; Omaha; NE; USA

20. School of Medicine; Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; Santiago; Chile

21. Capital Institute of Pediatrics; Beijing; China

22. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Unit; Ain Shams University; Cairo; Egypt

23. Department of Respiratory Medicine; Sheffield Children's Hospital; Western Bank; Sheffield; UK

24. University Children's Hospital Vienna; Vienna; Austria

25. Geller Allergy and Immunology Clinic; Rio de Janeiro; Brazil

26. Department of Allergy and Immunology; Clinica Ricardo Palma; Lima; Peru

27. Department of Paediatrics; National University Hospital; Singapore; Singapore

28. School of Medicine and Public Health; University of Wisconsin; Madison; WI; USA

29. Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital; Karolinska University Hospital; Stockholm; Sweden

30. Asthma and Allergic Diseases Center; University of Virginia; Charlottesville; VA; USA

31. Department of Pediatrics; Childhood Asthma Atopy Center; Asan Medical Center; University of Ulsan College of Medicine; Seoul; Korea

32. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Unit; Children's Hospital; Ain Shams University; Cairo; Egypt

33. Division of Allergy, Asthma and Rheumatology; Department of Pediatrics; Chang Gung Children's Hospital; Taoyuan; Taiwan

34. Department of Pediatrics; University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Madison; WI; USA

35. Department of Pediatrics; Erasmus University Medical Center; Sophia Children's Hospital; Rotterdam; The Netherlands

36. Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Unit; Ihsan Dogramaci Children's Hospital; Hacettepe University School of Medicine; Ankara; Turkey

37. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union); Cheraga; Algiers; Algeria

38. Department of Paediatrics & Child Health; Tygerberg Children's Hospital; Stellenbosch University; Cape Town; South Africa

39. Second Department of Medicine; Barlicki University Hospital; Medical University of Lodz; Lodz; Poland

40. Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology; Charité Medical University Berlin; Berlin; Germany

41. Division of Allergy/Immunology; University of South Florida; Tampa; FL; USA

42. Department of Pediatrics; Environmental Health Center; Samsung Medical Center; School of Medicine; Sungkyunkwan University; Seoul; Korea

43. National Jewish Health and University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine; Denver; CO; USA

44. Woman and Child Division; Department of Paediatrics; Ulleval University Hospital; Oslo; Norway

45. Krefting Research Centre; University of Gothenburg; Gothenburg; Sweden

46. Kita Kanto Allergy Institute; Gunma University; Maebashi; Gunma; Japan

47. Pediatric Allergy Unit; Children's Hospital La Fe; Valencia; Spain

48. Lakeside Medical Center and Hospital; Bangalore; India

49. Division of Allergy & Immunology; Department of Pediatrics; Nippon Medical School; Tokyo; Japan

50. Department of Pediatrics; University Hospital Motol; Charles University; Prague; Czech Republic

51. Division of Allergy & Immunology; Children's Memorial Hospital; Chicago; IL; USA

52. Primary Care Respiratory Society UK; University of Aberdeen; Aberdeen; UK

53. The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne; Melbourne; Vic.; Australia

54. Division of Pediatric Allergy; Hospital de Clinicas UFPR; Parana; Brazil

55. Children's Mercy Hospital; Kansas City; MO; USA

56. Queensland Children's Medical Research Institute; The University of Queensland; Brisbane; Qld; Australia

57. Pediatric Pulmonary Service; Hospital São Lucas; Pontifícia Universidade Católica RGS; Porto Alegre; Brazil

58. Department of Respiratory Medicine; Princess Margaret Hospital for Children; Perth; WA; Australia

59. Department of Pediatrics; National Jewish Health; Denver; CO; USA

60. Office of the Provost; University of Denver; Denver; CO; USA

61. Terveystalo Turku; Allergy Clinic; University of Turku; Turku; Finland

62. International Affairs and Centers for Excellence; Faculty of Medicine; Siriraj Hospital; Bangkok; Thailand

63. Nova Southeastern University; Ft Lauderdale; FL; USA

64. Allergy Unit; Red Cross Children's Hospital; University of Cape Town; Cape Town; South Africa

65. Department of Pediatrics; University of Gothenburg; Gothenburg; Sweden

66. Department of Respiratory Medicine; University Children's Hospital; Zurich; Switzerland

67. Department of Allergy; Kaiser Permanente Southern California; San Diego; CA; USA




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

Reference139 articles.

1. Reduction of asthma burden is possible through National Asthma Plans;Kupczyk;Allergy,2010

2. We call for iCAALL: International Collaboration in Asthma, Allergy and Immunology;Lotvall;Allergy,2012

3. Asthma Management Handbook National Asthma Council Australia, Melbourne 2006

4. From the Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2011

5. From the Global Strategy for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma in Children 5 Years and Younger Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2009

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