1. Antibody Responses to Honey-Bee Venom and Monomethoxy-Polyethylene Glycol-Modified Honey-Bee Venom in Mice
2. 3. E. Akerblom, S. Ahlstedt, and B. Bjorksten : Allergenic and immunogenic properties of monomethoxy polyethylene glycol (mPEG) modified honey bee venom (HBV) . XI ICACI, Abstract, p.153P . London, 1982 .
3. 4. E. Akerblom, S. Ponten, S. Ahlstedt, A. Berglund, and B. Bjorksten : Immunotherapy with a monomethoxy polyethylene glycol modified honey bee venom (mPEG-HBV) preparation . The correlation between animal studies and clinical results. XII Congress EAACI, Abstracts, p.142 . Rome, 1983 .
4. Effect of prolonged venom immunotherapy on serum venom-specific IgE and IgG