1. Shin‐yurigaoka general hospital Kawasaki‐city Japan
AbstractFor patients with perforated diverticulitis, many reports have focused on laparoscopic surgery without primary anastomosis. We performed laparoscopic surgery with primary anastomosis in three patients (two with Hinchey stage III, one with IV), with a median age of 53 years, all female, and no prior medical history. They all were hemodynamically stable. The median operation time was 91 minutes (range: 56–227 minutes) and the median blood loss was 50 mL (range: 0–200 mL). Their post‐operative course was uneventful, and patients commenced oral intake at a median of 5 post‐operative days and were discharged at a median of 12 post‐operative days. This procedure may be an option for Hinchey stages III and IV diverticulitis.