1. Bergman, D. (1980). Possible alternatives to the CAP and their economic consequences, Paper No. 4 given to the Agricultural Economics Society conference, December, 1980, London.
2. Buckwell, A. E. and Harvey, D. R. (1981). Market variability and the CAP: a neglected area?, Proceedings of the European Symposium on consideration and modelling of risk in the Agribusiness sector, Kiel (forthcoming).
3. COPA (1979). Le point de vue des producteurs, in Prospects for Agriculture in the EC, M.Tracy and I.Hodac (eds.), Bruges.
4. EC Commission (1979). Changes in the CAP to help balance the markets and streamline expenditure, COM(79)710 final, Brussels.
5. EC Commision (1980a). The agricultural situation in the Community 1979 Report, Brussels.