1. Commission of the EC 1981 Factors Influencing Ownership, Tenancy, Mobility and Use of Farmland in the United Kingdom. Information on Agriculture No. 74, The Commission of the European Communities, Brussels
2. Eurostat 1986 Farm Structure: Methodology of Community Surveys. Theme 5 Series E, Eurostat, Luxembourg, ISBN 92-825 5919-X
3. Eurostat 1991 Farm Structure: 1987 Survey - Main Results. Theme 5 Series C, Statistical Office of the European Communities, Luxembourg
4. Eurostat 1996a European System of Accounts: ESA 1995. Eurostat, Luxembourg
5. Eurostat 1996b Manual of the Total Income of Agricultural Households (Rev. 1). Theme 5 Series E, Theme 5 Series E, Eurostat, Luxembourg, ISBN 92-827 5227 5