1. Burnet Institute Melbourne VIC Australia
2. School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Monash University Melbourne VIC Australia
3. Centre for Health Policy Imperial College London London UK
4. Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health Harvard University Boston MA USA
5. Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Lisbon Portugal
6. Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht University Maastricht the Netherlands
7. Health Research Union Tbilisi Georgia
8. Department of Pediatrics and Clinical Research Center Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt
9. School of Public Health and Primary Care Fiji National University Suva Fiji
10. Aga Khan University Karachi Pakistan
11. Ministry of Health and Population Cairo Egypt
12. Global Health Unit University Medical Centre Groningen the Netherlands
13. Medicines Law & Policy Amsterdam the Netherlands
14. School of Health and Life Sciences Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow UK
15. Health Protection Scotland Meridian Court Glasgow UK
16. Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) Hospital Clinic University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain
17. University of Lagos Lagos Nigeria
18. ZeShan Foundation Wanchai Hong Kong
19. Department of Medicine University of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
20. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Landspitali University Hospital Reykjavik Iceland
21. World Hepatitis Alliance London UK
22. TREAT Asia/amfAR Foundation for AIDS Research Bangkok Thailand
23. Division of Hepatology Department of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town Cape Town South Africa
24. Treatment Action Group New York NY USA
25. Department of Hepatology Imperial College London London UK
26. Department of Gastroenterology and General Medicine Calvary Mater Newcastle NSW Australia
27. School of Medicine and Public Health University of Newcastle Newcastle NSW Australia
28. Hepatitis Services Department of Infectious Diseases The Alfred Hospital Melbourne VIC Australia
29. Doherty Institute and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne Melbourne VIC Australia
30. Department of Gastroenterology St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne VIC Australia
31. Department of Medicine University of Melbourne Melbourne VIC Australia