1. Centre for Clinical Research, Modelling and Epidemiology; Research Department of Infection and Population Health; Institute for Global Health; University College London Medical School; Royal Free Campus London UK
2. Medical University Innsbruck; Innsbruck Austria
3. Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases; Third Faculty of Medicine; Charles University and Na Bulovce Hospital; Prague Czech Republic
4. West-Tallinn Central Hospital; Tallinn Estonia
5. Helsinki University Hospital; Helsinki Finland
6. L'Archet 1 Hospital; University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis; Nice France
7. Rigshospitalet; University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark
8. Ippokration General Hospital; Athens Greece
9. Department of Internal Medicine 1; University Hospital of Cologne; Cologne Germany
10. German Center for Infection Research (DZIF); Partner Site Bonn-Cologne; Cologne Germany
11. Ichilov Hospital; Tel Aviv-Yafo Israel
12. Kantonsspital St. Gallen; St. Gallen Switzerland
13. Faculty of Medicine; School of Health Sciences; University of Iceland; Reykjavik, Iceland and Landspitali University Hospital; Reykjavík Iceland
14. Centre for HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases; Kaliningrad Russian Federation
15. Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases; First Faculty of Medicine; Charles University and Na Bulovce Hospital; Prague Czech Republic
16. Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology; Medical University of Bialystok; Bialystok Poland
17. Ida-Viru Central Hospital; Kohtla-Jarve
18. Infectology Center of Latvia; Riga Latvia
19. Dr. Victor Babes Hospital; Bucureşti Romania
20. Hospital J.M. Ramos Mejia; Buenos Aires Argentina