1. 1 Ochi, M. and S. Bales , “Effect of Various Spectral Formulations in Predicting Responses of Marine Vehicles and Ocean Structures,” Presented at the 9th Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, 1977.
2. 2 Ochi, M. , “Wave Statistics for the Design of Ships and Ocean Structures,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of SNAME, N.Y., N.Y., 1978.
3. 3 Andrews, J. and A. Dinsenbacher , “Agreement of Model and Prototype Response Amplitude Operators and Whipping Response,” NSRDC Rpt. 2351, April 1967.
4. 4 Andrews, J. and A. Dinsenbacvher , “Evaluation of Effect of Bow Form on Model Wave-Induced and Whipping Responses,” NSRDC Rpt. 2556, February 1968.
5. 5Work performed at DTNSRDC, informally reported.