1. 1 Department of the Navy, “Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual”, OPNAVINST 5090.1B, November 1994.
2. 2 Department of the Navy, “Final Environmental Impact Statement: Disposal of U.S. Navy Shipboard Solid Waste”, August 1996.
3. 3 Department of the Navy, “Report to Congress: U.S. Navy Ship Solid Waste Management Plan for MARPOL Annex V Special Areas”, November 1996.
4. 4 Dobes, J. C. and K. Ung , “Shipboard Hazardous Material Control and Management”, Proceedings of ASNE Maritime Environmental Symposium, October 1992.
5. 5 Koss, L. , “Environmentally Sound Ships of the 21st Century”, Proceedings of ASNE Maritime Environmental Symposium, October 1992.