1. 1 Preiser, H.S. , et al., “Energy (Fuel) Conservation Through Underwater Removal and Control of Fouling on Hulls of Navy Ships,” NSRDC Rept. 4543, December 1975.
2. 2 McCarthy, J.H. , “Ship Resistance Due to Surface Irregularities: Waveness, Roughness, and Fouling,” Paper presented at the 17th American Towing Tank Conference, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., June 1974.
3. “Navy Shipboard Energy Conservation R&D Program,‘;Sack;Naval Engineers Journal,1976
4. 4 Preiser, H.S. , et al., “Underwater Hull Cleaning and Fuel Conservation in the U.S. Navy,” Proceedings of Fifth Inter-Naval Corrosion Conference, RNZN Corrosion and Fouling Committee, Auckland, N.Z., April 1976, pp. 6.1-6.31.
5. 5 Preiser, H.S. , et al., “Fouling Control Means Fuel Savings for U.S. Navy,” Paper presented at Spring Meeting/STAR Symposium, San Francisco, Calif., 2227 May 1977.