1. A. B. Atkinson, J. Gomulka, and N. Stern(1984 ) Household expenditure on tobacco 1970-1980:evidence from the Family Expenditure Surveys, Working Paper No. 57 (ESRC Programme on Taxation, Incentives and the Distribution of Income, London School of Economics).
2. A. B. Atkinson, J. Gomulka, and N. Stern(1984 ) Expenditure on alcoholic drink by household: evidence from the Family Expenditure Survey 1970-1980, Working Paper No. 60 (EsrcProgramme on Taxation, Incentives and the Distribution of Income, London School of Economics).
3. Anti-Smoking Publicity and the Demand for Tobacco in the U.K.†
4. A Theory of Rational Addiction
5. Consumer Behaviour: Theory and Empirical Evidence--A Survey