1. 1. While it is tempting to use the standard designations of "Experimental Group" and "Control Group" we have chosen to refer to them as "Users" and a "Comparison Group" since there is really no experiment involved .
2. 2. Other tests were also administered, e.g., the Rokeach Value Survey and these results are the subject of a separate paper.
3. Brook, Robert, C. Paul, and Whitehead"Colloquialisms of the Therapeutic Community: Treatment of the Adolescent Drug Abuser ." Federal Probation (March): 37, 46 -52 .
4. J. Butcher"MMPI male correlates ."Presented to the MMPI Workshop. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota (April)1971 .
5. Comission ofInquiryInto theNon-MedicalUse ofDrugs. Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs . Ottawa: Queen's Printer1970 .