1. 3. K. Eriksson, and M. Rusi(1981 ) Finnish selection studies on alcohol-related behaviors: general outline.Development of Animal Models as Pharmacogenetic Tools, Proceedings of Workshop, Boulder, Colorado 1978.NIAA Research Monography-6, pp.87 -117 .Rockville.
2. 4. C. J. P. Eriksson(1981 ) Finnish selection studies on alcohol-related behaviors: factors regulating voluntary alcohol consumption . Development of Animal Models as Pharmacological Tools, Proceedings of Workshop, Boulder, Colorado 1978.NIAA Research Monography-6, pp.119 -145 .Rockville.
3. Alcohol intake, ethanol-induced narcosis and intoxication in rats following neonatal 6-hydroxydopamine or 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine treatment